Members only

Becoming a member is free of charge, all you need to do is register .

Becoming a member of DDMFR community offers you numerous benefits which include:
  • Access to many more cases in all the pathological entities of the website.
  • Participation in the Discussion Group with experts (Editors).
  • Upload your own case either for discussion with the editors for establishing the possible diagnosis, or for inclusion in the website, if it has been approved by the editors.
  • Participation in the Quiz Session where cases for differential diagnosis will be posted regularly and an open discussion will take place.
  • If you are an Oral and Maxillofacial Radiologist you may apply for becoming an Editor, if you wish. The Editors are recognized scientists who will be able to manage the scientific topics of the site. Their work is voluntary and their selection is done after their relevant application and approved by the Administrators. Editors can reply to the Discussion Group, correct possible errors and send the Administrators texts and photos about new cases. They also have the obligation to upload new quizzes at regular intervals.