Thalassemia .
- Hereditary disorder that results in a defect in hemoglobin synthesis. The red blood cells have a shorter lifespan.
- The hematopoietic system reacts by increasing the production of red blood cells, resulting in an increase in bone marrow against cortical bone.
- It mainly affects people from the Mediterranean region. It can be heterozygous or monozygous type.
- Radiographic changes:
- Hair-end effect of the skull.
- Widening of the diploe.
- Enlargement of bone marrow spaces in all bones.
- Generalized bone rarefaction.
- Enlargement of the jaws.
- Reduction of the maxillary sinus.
- Thinning of cortical structures (especially the lower border of the mandible)
- Loss of the Lamina dura and shortening of the roots .